Fab-LAb Ambassadors Society Beginnings…

The society came together just before Christmas in 2015. The aim of the society is to carry out projects and activities that serve as example of the power of the fab-lab facilities and community to the art school, in the hopes that it would increase its membership through university students. (The Cardiff Fab-LAb is situated within Cardiff School of Art and Design).

Over the winter break the fab-lab members set themselves the task of coming up with some ideas and inspiration to use for a first project to get the society going with a practical project. The idea is to produce a large welcome sign for the fab-lab that also informs the viewer of the kinds of things that can be made using the facilities on offer to fab-lab members. To my mind this means that the project needs to be ambitious and exciting, a sense that has to come across in the outcome. People should be asking how was that made, how does that work, how do you make it do what it does? In my contribution I want to be using as many interesting processes as possible. I am particularly keen to create an interactive work that responds it its viewer, can impart and collect information.

Ideas will be discussed in our next meeting.

Professional Practice Lecture Series

Finding Your Path…

Today was the first day of second term. After our start of term briefing and verbal feedback for last terms module ‘Research and Development’ I attended a lecture presented by Ingrid Murphy (head lecturer of Maker) which is the first of the series called ‘Professional Practice’.

Beginning with general thoughts and points on leaving university and education to foray out into the world of work, Ingrid briefly recounted her own experiences of signing on the dole, eventually finding work she wanted to do and then about getting on to realizing her lifelong ambitions of becoming a teacher, an educator. Next Ingrid spent much of the rest of the lecture outlining, suggesting and positing jobs, work and ways of living and working.

One of the things she said concerning work outside of the creative industries is that people with creative degrees are attractive to public sector jobs in service industries. Should my original ideas and attempts of ‘having a stab at it’ go awry this would be useful to remember.

What she was really trying to get us to think about however was our skills. What skills do I have? How skilled am I in those areas really? I am a producer I make work. But with my skills can I both produce and also provide a service?

A comforting point she made in the lecture was that when she graduated she had no plan really, just an ambition which she worked towards. This was said to remind us that success does not come about overnight, there will be a journey towards ambition and goals.

The lecture followed Ingrid’s recent journey around New Zealand where she was judging an international ceramics exhibition. Much of her time there was spent meeting artists and makers. All these people that she met she served as examples to us of the plethora of opportunities that can be found and pursued out in the world.

There are so many things to think about! What do i want to do? Where do I want to go? Well… I want to make things most of all, perhaps one day run my own business of some description. I would work most anywhere initially. Residencies seem particularly inviting to me at the moment, a way, I think, that I could develop my practice contextually as well as my skills.  I also think that after a while I would like to work collaboratively, within a group of creatives which I will have assembled working on a variety of projects producing personal work to show for galleries and also work for commission and competition. I know that I also want to work with new technologies among other more traditional skills and ways of producing work. This is very important to me. So I think I shall begin by investigating opportunities around creative technologies, particularly those focused around the merging new technologies, art, design and sustainable living.

As the lecture series progresses and I find interesting opportunities or ideas of what I might want to do hopefully a better picture of what I could do after university should build up.